Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines


There are several things a writer can do to help facilitate a smoother workflow in the publishing process. In drafting the manuscript, please follow the provided template. If you have questions about style points that are not discussed here, please consult the Editor.

Written Manuscripts (General Provisions).

Word Count: The article consists of 4000-10000 words (including abstracts and references), is written using Times New Roman font with font size as described per section of the manuscript below.

Plagiarism (Similarity check): Journal Media of Law and Sharia sets a maximum similarity limit of 25%.

Page numbering: Numbers are listed on each page, including title, reference, and table pages.

Abbreviations: Abbreviated words or phrases must be written in full the first time they appear in the text, with each form of abbreviation in brackets.

The following is an explanation of each section in the publication manuscript:


The title should be short, informative, and descriptive. It is written in Bahasa Indonesia (maximum 14 words) or English (maximum 12 words) and is centered using Times New Roman, size 14 (Bold), 1pt spacing.

Author’s Name, Affiliation and Correspondence

The author’s name is written full without abbreviations and does not use a title, written in Times New Roman, size 12pt, in bold print.

Affiliation is written in Times New Roman, size 11pt, italicized.

a. Study Program, Faculty, University, Country (for Higher Education Institutions)

b. Work unit, Ministry/Agency, State (for Government Institutions or agencies)

Correspondence in the form of address, e-mail, and mobile number is written in Times New Roman, size 11pt.


The abstract is written in English and/or Bahasa Indonesia. It should provide a brief introduction to the problem, the purpose of the paper, and followed by a brief and concise statement of the methodology and summary of the results. It consists of a maximum of 250 words, written in Times New Roman, size 11pt, single-spaced.


Keywords are written immediately after abstract on a new line with a minimum of 3 (three) words and a maximum of 5 (five) words relevant to the substance of the article, written in Times New Roman, size 11pt, semicolon (;) for separate.

I. Introduction.

The introduction should be clear and indicate the problem to be discussed in the manuscript. The author must provide an adequate background and a brief literature survey to present the available solutions, indicate which is the best from previous research, the main limitations of previous research, and what is expected in solving the problem and demonstrating scientific merit or novelty of this paper. At the end of the paragraph, the writer should comment on the importance of identifying the problem and the purpose of the research. This section is written in Times New Roman, 12pt, single-spaced.  

II. Methods.

It must be detailed and clear, covering materials, sampling methods, implementation, and data analysis. Written in Times New Roman font, size 12pt, spacing 1pt.

III. Results and Discussion.

This section contains an analysis, comparison of research results with relevant literature, and explanation of the implications of the research results. The analysis and research results must be clear and concise. The results should summarize (scientific) findings rather than provide data in great detail. In the discussion, tables and/or pictures can be displayed to elaborate on important points. The section should also emphasizes differences between results or findings with previous publications by other researchers and is written in Times New Roman, 12pt, single-spaced.

IV. Conclusion.

Conclusions are presented in a concise, clear and relevant manner. It is written in Times New Roman, 12pt, single-spaced.

Terms of Tables, Figures and Bibliography

Table: The table is displayed using the open model style (without vertical lines) with a font size of 11 and single spacing. Each table is given a serial number (Table 1., Table 2., etc.) above the table and centered, while the table data sources are written at the bottom of the table and aligned left.


Table 1. The crime rate in DIY in 2020

Images: Images include images and graphics. Each image is given a serial number (Figure 1, Figure 2., etc.) which is placed below the graph and centered.

Figure 1. Graph of the crime rate in DIY in 2020



References at the end of the manuscript must follow the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (full note). Citing according to the sources listed and with footnotes. Please use Reference Manager Applications such as EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc. All publications cited in the text must be included as a Bibliography, arranged alphabetically by the author. Written in Times New Roman font, size 12, single-spaced. The library is written in ascending alphabetical order.



The notation uses the “footnote” type